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Three years ago Jonathan Baston pitched up at the Love in a Bowl farm on a Thursday and asked if he could volunteer for the day. And then he showed up the next Thursday as well. And the next Thursday. And so it went for an entire year! Several of our veggie circles and the origins of our Farm Stall structure exist thanks to all the days of love, sweet and cheer Jonathan brought to our Farm before he went abroad for two years. He had a wonderful impact on our veggies, staff and community.

Imagine our surprise this year when we are invited to meet the new General Manager at SPAR to discuss ways to improve our exposure and veggie sales at both Hout Bay SPARs—and that new manager is Jonathan. We’re so excited to be in partnership with Jonathan again. Whenever you see him running around the aisles in SPAR, please thank him for his year of service at Love in a Bowl, and share any ideas you have that could help Love in a Bowl’s stand at both shops reach out to more of our lovely Hout Bay peeps.

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